Our product offering is selected on the basis of reliability, coverage, support, and price competitiveness. This ongoing and extensive process ensures that we can reliably offer Tier 1 Infrastructure for both Optus and Telstra networks enabling you to enjoy a premium range of products and services.

MGM Telecom offers the following product range:

Telstra Fixed Line Products

Telstra PSTN lines are generally used for smaller organisations requiring simple ,“no frills” voice communications and is available as a single line as used in most residential applications. They are necessary to carry ADSL services and are capable of providing basic standard features such as Line Hunt, Messagebank, and Calling Number Display.

ISDN 2 and ISDN 10/20/30

These digital services are designed to provide businesses with high capacity, direct connect voice and switched data services. This feature-rich, digital service provides telephony applications only limited by your PABX system capabilities.

The ISDN 2 product offers 2 digital liness and may be used in multiples however this transfers to the ISDN10 product when more than 8 lines are required.

Phone: 1300 896 802 | Fax: 1300 896 802
PO Box 492 Wembley WA 6913